For more information about the Sci-Tech Engineers 4-H Club

Contact: York County 4-H Extension Office 717-840-7408 or email Maryjo Kraft -

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Project Stuff Due at the March 20th Meeting

REMEMBER: Write in Pencil!!!!
1.No Do-Hickeys Lesson(for those who missed the meeting) and Parts Test These are posted on the club web page. You can print out the color version of the parts test for your note books if you wish.

2.Also you need to go the Activity One chapter which is just before the No Do-Hickeys lesson in your project book and work on answering the APPLIED R & D question at the bottom left corner of page number 7. On a separate piece of paper in YOUR OWN WORDS write what Asimov's 3 Laws of Robotics are and why these are important and put this in your Robotics Project notebook. If you wish, you may take a crack at all the other questions on this page but we will be going over these together in the future. Again remember to write in pencil!

3.Also read Activity 2 ROBOT OR NOT and do the activities on page 8. Since we do not have the CD it refers to I have found this to help you...
What is the difference between a robot, machine, and computer? Or are they all just the same thing?
Answer:A robot is a virtual or mechanical artificial agent. In practice, it is usually an electro-mechanical machine which is guided by computer or electronic programming, and is thus able to do tasks on its own. Another common characteristic is that by its appearance or movements, a robot often conveys a sense that it has intent or agency of its own.

A machine is any device that uses energy to perform some activity. Robots can be considered machines but not all machines are robots.

A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a set of instructions.
You can also do your own research on the topic too. Also reading the Nuts & Volts on page 9 to help with this too. Do the FEEDBACK LOOP on page 9. These are pretty easy and should not take you long.

I am trying to get us further along on the project with stuff you can do at home so we can start building the bots sooner at the meetings!!!

Those who did not get make it to the meeting need to catch up with me and get your project book so you can work on the assignments. Until you get your project book you can work on the first 3 lessons of SCRATCH and the No Do-Hickeys lesson.

SCRATCH: just work at your own pace we have until July 31 to get at least the first 3 lessons done or more if you like.

Any questions just contact Ms. Jean -

1 comment:

  1. One other thing to remember to look at before the next meeting is the 4H Parlimentary Procedures Booklet I emailed everyone.

    Ms. Jean
